Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No MOPS Meeting Today

Since Danville Schools are on a 2 hour delay, our meeting is CANCELED for this morning. Please remember to get your sticky bun orders to Chelsi via phone or email. Enjoy the snow with your kiddos!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sticky Bun Fundraiser

Don't forget about our Mr. Sticky's fundraiser! Please make every effort to sell at least 1.5 dozen sticky buns. This will be our ONLY fundraiser for the year, so everyone's participation is important! Please bring your order forms to our December 9th meeting, or if you are unable to attend, please contact Chelsi with your order. Pickup will be at FBC on the morning of December 16th. These are great for the holidays! Warm sticky buns with your morning coffeee...MMM!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

Don't forget about our Mom's Night Out on Thursday, November 5th. It will be at 7:00 PM at First Baptist Church. (Please note that childcare will NOT be provided.) We will pack and wrap our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes while enjoying fun and fellowship. Please refer to your newsletter for more details about what to bring. After the boxes are completed, we will make arrangements to get them to the nearest dropoff point, and then they will be off on their journey to reach children in another part of the world! This is a great opportunity to teach your children about being generous towards others and being thankful for what they have!

For more information about the Operation Christmas Child Program, visit the website or read the article in our October newsletter. If you didn't get a brochure with labels for the shoeboxes, you can download them here. Our group will cover the suggested $7 shipping cost for as many boxes as possible. However, if you wish to make a donation, you can do so online rather than placing a check in your shoebox if you wish. You can go here to do so. This option allows you to actually "track" where your shoebox goes - how cool!

Also, if you'd like to print out a coloring page for your child to complete and include in your shoebox. you can do so here (click on "Coloring Pages" to download the pages).

This was our 2008 OCC Mom's Night Out. In our first year participating, our group filled 39 shoeboxes - Go Moms!

Our October Meeting

We were excited to see so many new moms at our October meeting. Due to a speaker cancellation, we had an "impromptu" craft; hopefully, we will be able to reschedule our speaker for a future meeting.

We look forward to seeing you at our MOM'S NIGHT OUT on Thursday, November 5 at 7:00. Check out the post on OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD for more information!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome to MOPS - Where we are Together on Planet Mom!

The MOPS Experience equips women for the joys and challenges of their lives as moms. One key factor in the MOPS Experience is the relationships built within a group. Time and time again, MOPS moms share that the friends they make in MOPS are significant for this season of their life and on into their future. God created us for relationship! It’s one of the defining parts of being human.

However, when you become a mom, all your relationships change. It’s like you have landed on a different planet—Planet Mom—and the relationships on Planet Mom don’t look like the ones on your previous planet. Your relationship with yourself is different—you are a mom! Your relationship with your husband, girlfriends, extended family, community and God have all changed. Many of these changes are positive, some are not. Even positive change requires adjustments on your part.

During the 2009-10 MOPS year, we will explore how to thrive in relationships Together on Planet Mom.

The theme book for 2009-10 is Life on Planet Mom: A Down to Earth Guide to Your Changing Relationships by Lisa T. Bergren. The book is part of the MOPS International Membership benefit.

The foundation of being Together on Planet Mom is that God is with us and we are created for relationship with him and each other. We are created to “do life” together. This is definitely true for us as both moms and leaders. The more we draw together in community, the better we are able to thrive as women and moms. Life together is underlined in our theme verse for the year, where Jesus promises: “For where two or three come together ... there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)